
SCHEDULE A FREE 15 MINUTE DISCOVERY CALL, to see how Potty Proud can give you and your little ones all the tools and support necessary, so you all can sing together. "We like to potty!”

There are so many questions when it comes to potty learning, here are the top three.
I can help you answer these and many more!

How do I know when to start potty learning?

Potty learning between the ages of 22-28 months is often the sweet spot to start, based on your child’s willingness to learn and stage of development. However, this does NOT mean your child won’t be successful, if you already started before OR your child has already passed , this range in age. We basically want to look for certain signs of readiness, in general. I am happy to share these readiness signs in a free 15 minute Discovery Call to see how we can move forward! By the way, my daughter started potty learning at age 4! (please read my story for reference)
My child refuses/ is afraid to sit on the potty! What should I do?

Fear and refusal to sit on the potty, is a common occurrence in young children. It is scary for kids! Think about how you might feel if you were that tiny, and all of your elimination needs thus far, were taken care of by a familiar diaper that felt so comfortable to you. Suddenly, you are this tiny person, sitting on a potty, your bottom exposed, and you can’t feel anything underneath you to catch what you eliminate from your body! The most important thing you can do, is to take away any pressure for your child to sit on or use the potty, while at the same time, keep the potty conversation going. Some examples of this would be: start reading potty learning books to your child, buy a drink and wet doll that includes its own potty chair, watch potty learning videos, have your child pour water into the potty to show that nothing scary happens!
My child does great at home, but won’t use the potty at daycare, other people’s homes, or in public restrooms. Why is this?

A different environment from home, in which they are asked to potty, can also be scary for kids! It is very important that all caregivers are in communication with you, the parent(s), so that everyone is on the same page with your child’s potty routine. It is also helpful to tour the bathrooms at your child’s daycare/preschool, and have a meeting with your child’s caregiver/teacher to let them know the terminology and language you are using at home for both successes and accidents. Knowing the layout of the bathrooms will also help you to assess how low or high the potty seats are, so you can prepare your child accordingly. Public restrooms can be scary, because they often have automatic flushers, which can be very loud (my daughter is still scared of them). I recommend bringing post it notes, to place over the sensor. This will prevent the automatic flusher from going off. Also, I know that I get super germ conscious in public restrooms. This consciousness can often be absorbed by our kids, and make them scared. Bring some antibacterial wipes or cover the toilet seat, while remaining calm and collected…like it’s no big deal. Easier said than done, I get it. It will pay off though! Promise!
My story
Greetings fellow parents of little ones! My name is Margo Elena Kligman and I am the proud mommy of a beautiful, healthy and happy, 4.5 year old girl. Second to that fact, I hold a degree in liberal arts, with a certificate in education and childhood development from Thomas Edison State College. I also hold units in ECE certification (Early Childhood Education) from UCLA. Thus far, my career has mostly been in the classroom, as both an assistant and a lead teacher, for Kindergarten and First Grade. I also completed Masters in Reading Instruction courses at LMU. I absolutely loved watching my students blossom, as they became so proud of themselves, learning how to read and write!
A few years later, there I was, pregnant with my daughter, reading everything I could get my hands on, about pregnancy and fetal development. Fast forward to it being “time” for potty training. I had subscribed to the common philosophy of “she will potty train when she is ready and will likely initiate it herself.” Of all the research on child development I had done, up to that point, potty training (I actually like to call it potty learning, as our children are tiny humans and not tiny puppies) had eluded me. I honestly think that I was so scared of it, as a lot of parents are! So I waited. And you know what? My daughter was ready, except I didn’t know it. In fact, she had been ready for almost two years, at the point where I actually started potty learning. I learned later, that there are children who do initiate on their own, for sure! However, many more do not.
Through a mutual contact, I was introduced to Allison Jandu, The Potty Training Consultant. Within six weeks, my child was out of diapers and pull ups completely, going on the potty at home consistently, as well as at preschool.
After having success with a potty coach of my own, I decided to become one myself, and through Allison’s consultant training program (created through over 5,000 hours of research) I am now a certified potty consultant. I want to give back to other parents what was so helpful to me and my daughter. So here I am, ready to work with you, and make sure that we all feel POTTY PROUD, because WE LIKE TO POTTY!

Email Consultation
Includes: a questionnaire, so I can learn about your child and situation, an email assessment with action items, sent to you within 48 hours, and up to one additional email reply for questions or troubleshooting. Includes an up to ten minute phone call, if either party needs more clarification about the emails. Scheduling for now and beyond.
Custom Consultation Package with Limited Follow Up Support
Includes: a questionnaire, so I can learn as much about your child as possible (and so we do not repeat things you’ve already tried that did not work), a fully customized written assessment and plan of action, supplemental materials, and ongoing, one-on-one weekly support, for up to six weeks. Support includes: two, up to 30 minute phone calls (if needed by either you or me) to review questionnaire and plan of action, seven days of text support, the first week, between the hours of 9:00 am and 3:00 pm or 7:00 pm and 9:00 pm (responses within two hours) and from there, up to six weeks of once a week, email support (responses within 24 hours). Up to a 30 minute phone call may be scheduled in lieu of an email, depending on availability. Scheduling for now and beyond.
Custom Consultation Package with Unlimited Virtual Support
Includes: a detailed questionnaire, so I can learn as much about your child as possible (and so we don’t repeat things you’ve already tried, that did not work), a fully customized written assessment and plan of action, supplemental materials, and ongoing one-on-one support, for up to three months. Support includes: two, up to 45 minute phone calls (if needed by either you or me) to review questionnaire and plan of action, one week of text support, as needed, between the hours of 9 am and 3 pm or 7pm and 9pm (responses within two hours), and from there, up to three months of email support (responses within 24 hours), as needed. Up to a 45 minute phone call may be scheduled in lieu of an email, depending on availability. Scheduling for now and beyond.
In-Home Support/Visits
Please contact me for more information. Every family and child is unique in what at home services would be optimal for them. Therefore, a brief consultation would be needed to give you a clearer picture of what it would look like. Clients need to be within a 25 mile radius of my South Florida location.